Pg1: The Want Ad!

in Gold Star! Delivery featuring Spencer the Meerkat

Meet Spencer as he arrives in a new city (broke, but gung-ho!)


I’m super excited to start sharing this new comic with you! If you check out the gallery link, you can see short bios for the main cast, and I’ll be updating with new character art from time to time (scroll to the bottom of the gallery page for newest additions). You can follow me on Twitter for lots of excited yelling about comics and art.YAAAY COMICS ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

For the time being, I’m aiming for an every other Monday update schedule as I build a buffer, and hope to get to a weekly update schedule. I was considering lumping pages into “episode” updates, which would mean longer waits between updates, but there would be several pages and one complete story arc all at once. I’m gonna try for weekly and see how that works out first! (°◡°♡).:。